function Swap16(const Value: Word): Word; inline;begin Result := Swap(Value);end;function Swap32(const Value: LongWord): LongWord; inline;begin Result := Swap(Word(Value)) shl 16 + Swap(Word(Value shr 16));end;function Swap64(const Value: Int64): Int64;{ $IFDEF WIN32}asm mov edx, [ebp + $08] mov eax, [ebp + $0c] bswap edx bswap eax{ $ELSE}{ $IFDEF WIN64}asm mov rax, rcx bswap rax{ $ELSE}begin Result := Swap32(LongWord(Value)); Result := (Result shl 32) or Swap32(LongWord(Value shr 32));{ $ENDIF}{ $ENDIF}end;function SwapFloat(const Value: Single): Single; overload; inline;var R: LongWord absolute Result; V: LongWord absolute Value;begin R := Swap32(V);end;function SwapFloat(const Value: Double): Double; overload; inline;var R: Int64 absolute Result; V: Int64 absolute Value;begin R := Swap64(V);end;
function ExchangeByteOrderDouble(const PV: PAnsiChar): Double;var pd: PAnsiChar;begin pd := @Result; pd[0] := pv[7]; pd[1] := pv[6]; pd[2] := pv[5]; pd[3] := pv[4]; pd[4] := pv[3]; pd[5] := pv[2]; pd[6] := pv[1]; pd[7] := pv[0];end;
function SwapByteOrder(const Value: Double): Double; overload;var V: Int64 absolute Result; VV: Int64 absolute Value;begin V := ((((VV and $00000000000000ff) shl 56) or ((VV and $000000000000ff00) shl 40) or ((VV and $0000000000ff0000) shl 24) or ((VV and $00000000ff000000) shl 8) or ((VV and $000000ff00000000) shr 8) or ((VV and $0000ff0000000000) shr 24) or ((VV and $00ff000000000000) shr 40) or ((VV and $ff00000000000000) shr 56)));end;
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